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(Probability Laboratory at Bath)

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Alex Cox

Prob-L@b Seminars: Spring 2012

Our seminars our usually held at 12.15 p.m. on Mondays in room 4W 1.7. If you wish to find out more, please contact one of the organisers. The speakers are internal (Bath) unless otherwise stated. Details of previous semesters can be found here

9/1/12: Malwina Luczak (Sheffield)

The supermarket model with arrival rate tending to 1

There are \(n\) queues, each with a single server. Customers arrive in a Poisson process at rate \(\lambda n\), where \(0 < \lambda = \lambda (n) < 1\). Upon arrival each customer selects \(d = d(n) \ge 1\) servers uniformly at random, and joins the queue at a least-loaded server among those chosen. Service times are independent exponentially distributed random variables with mean 1.
We will review the literature, including results of Luczak and McDiarmid (2006), for the case where \(\lambda\) and \(d\) are constants independent of \(n\).
We will then investigate the speed of convergence to equilibrium and the maximum length of a queue in the equilibrium distribution when \(\lambda (n) \to 1\) and \(d(n) \to \infty\) as \(n \to \infty\). This is joint work with Graham Brightwell.

30/1/12: Mathew Penrose

Connectivity of \(G(n,r,p)\)

Consider a graph on \(n\) vertices placed uniformly independently at random in the unit square, in which any two vertices distant at most \(r\) apart are connected by an edge with probability \(p\). This generalises both the classical random graph and the random geometric graph. We discuss the chances of its being disconnected without having any isolated vertices, when \(n\) is large, for various choices of the other parameters.

6/2/12: Martin Barlow (UBC)

The uniform spanning tree in two dimensions

This talk will discuss properties of the UST on the Euclidean lattice, and in particular with the relation between distance in the tree and Euclidean distance. These results can then be applied to study SRW on the UST. (Martin Barlow and Robert Masson)

Note start time: 12.00

13/2/12: Antal Jarai

Minimal configurations and sandpile measures

We give a brief introduction to the Abelian sandpile model, and its relationship to uniform spanning trees. We give a new simple construction of the sandpile measure on an infinite graph \(G\), under the sole assumption that each tree in the Wired Uniform Spanning Forest on \(G\) has one end almost surely. For so called generalized minimal configurations the limiting probability on \(G\) exists even without this assumption. We also give determinantal formulas for minimal configurations on general graphs in terms of the transfer current matrix. (Joint work with N. Werning)

20/2/12: Emmanuel Jacob (Paris VI)

Second order reflections of the integrated Brownian motion

27/1/12: Nathalie Eisenbaum (Paris VI)

Characterization of positively correlated squared Gaussian processes

When does a centered Gaussian vector have the property of positive correlation (also called association or positive association) ? The answer is found by Loren Pitt in 1982. In 1991 Steve Evans raises the problem of the characterization of the centered Gaussian vectors \((\eta_1, \eta_2,..., \eta_d)\) such that \((\eta_1^2, \eta_2^2,..., \eta_d^2)\) is positively correlated. This talk will present a solution to that problem.

5/3/12: Stephan Luckhaus (Leipzig)

Gibbs Gradient Young measures, a stochastic version of twoscale convergence in nonlinear elasticity

12/3/12: Vitali Wachtel (LMU, Munich)

Random walks in cones

We study the asymptotic behaviour of a multidimensional random walk in a general cone. We find the tail asymptotics for the exit time and prove integral and local limit theorems for a random walk conditioned to stay in a cone.

19/3/12: Christian Mönch

Sublogarithmic distances in preferential attachment networks

Preferential attachment networks with power law degree sequence undergo a phase transition when the power law exponent \(\tau\) changes. For \(\tau>3\) typical distances in the network are logarithmic in the size of the network and for \(\tau < 3\) they are doubly logarithmic. I will discuss the latter case for a sublinear preferential attachment model with Poisson outdegrees and then turn to the critical behaviour at \(\tau=3\).

26/3/12: Max von Renesse (LMU, Munich)

Hamiltonian Mechanics on Wasserstein Space and Quantum Fluid Models

Otto's Riemannian Framework for the Wasserstein space of probablity measures allows not only for first order gradient flows but also for second order Hamiltonian ODEs. As a result we give a concise representation of the Schrödinger equation for wave functions as an instance of Newton's classical law of motion on Wasserstein space, the two representations being related by a natural sympelctic morphism. Introducting friction leads to dissipative quantum fluid models such as the Quantum Navier Stokes equation, which was derived as a model for a tagged particle in a many body quantum system.
Partially based on joint works with A. Jüngel and P. Fuchs (Vienna)

16/4/12: Richard Cowan (Sydney)

A topological identity for the convex hulls of \(n\) arbitrary points in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) - and its role in the study of convex hulls of random points

The author will speak about a new topologically identity that he discovered in 2007. It concerns convex hulls of \(n\) arbitrarily positioned points in \(d\)-dimensional Euclidean space. The identity gives insights into the more specialised situation where the points are randomly placed. Whilst the talk is being presented to the Probability Group, it should be of interest to others in the department.

21/5/12: Rafał Łochowski (Warsaw School of Economics)

Truncated variation of a stochastic process - its optimality for processes with cadlag trajectories and its characterisations for semimartingales, diffusions and Wiener process.

For a given function \(f : [a; b] \to R\), we define its truncated variation at the level \(c >0\), \(TV^c (f , [a; b])\), as the smallest possible and attainable total variation of a function uniformly approximating \(f\) with accuracy \(c/2\). It appears, that for \(f\) being a cadlag function its truncated variation is always finite, in opposite to total variation, which is a limit value of \(TV^c (f , [a; b])\) as \(c\) tends to \(0\) and may be infinite.
Together with \(TV^c (f , [a; b])\), we define two other functional related - upward and downward truncated variations. This may be viewed as a generalization of Hahn-Jordan decomposition of a function with finite total variation.
In the second part of my talk I will present briefly results on behaviour of \(TV^c (X, [0; T])\) for semimartingales, diffusions and Wiener process. For \(X\) being a semimartingale, I will present results on a.s. functional convergence of the process \(c TV^c (X, [0; t])\) on the interval \(0 \leq t \leq T\) as \(c\) tends to \(0\); for \(X\) being a diffusion, I will present results on weak functional convergence of the process \(TV^c (X, [0; t]) - _t/c\) on the interval \(0 \leq t \leq T\) as c tends to 0 and for Wiener process with drift I will present full characterisation of \(TV^c (X, [0; T])\) via its Laplace transform. The majority of my talk will be based on the join work with Piotr Milos.

28/5/12: Christoph Höggerl

Model-independent no-arbitrage conditions for American Put options

Suppose European Put options with fixed maturity and for a finite number of strikes are traded in the market and these prices are consistent with no (model-independent) arbitrage We investigate necessary and sufficient conditions on the American Put option prices corresponding to the absence of arbitrage in the extended market, where not only European, but also American options can be traded.

13/6/12: Stavros Vakeroudis (Manchester)

Windings of planar processes

We first study the distribution of several first hitting times for the continuous winding process associated with the planar Brownian motion. To obtain analytical results, we use and Bougerol's celebrated identity in law. This allows us to characterize the laws of the hitting times of the bounadries of a cone for planar Brownian motion. We give some applications, namely: a new non-computational proof of Spitzer's asymptotic theorem, some integrability properties for these hitting times, similar results for the (planar) complex-valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes case. Finally, we shall discuss the windings of planar stable processes, where the approach is different than in the Brownian motion case.

Rearranged: Note new date and time: Wednesday 10.15

2/7/12: Peter Windridge

The SIR process on random graphs with given degree sequences

The SIR process is a model for disease spreading through a network. The network topology is given by a graph G. Vertices are either susceptible, infective or recovered. Infectives transmit the disease to each susceptible neighbour at rate b > 0 and recover at rate r > 0. Usually one takes the graph size to infinity and studies e.g. the probability that the disease dies out.
Taking G itself to be random is both mathematically interesting and relevant to real world networks. Recent results have focused on graphs chosen uniformly subject to having prescribed vertex degrees. We'll review these results and discuss a possible way to extend them.



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